Wednesday 17 November 2010


my CAT :)

Meet Peaches aka Mr Peaches. He is my new LOVE. He is the Best.

New Moon


The new moon, of no importance
lingers behind as the yellow sun glares
and is gone beyond the sea's edge;
earth smokes blue;
the new moon, in cool height above the blushes,
brings a fresh fragrance of heaven to our senses.

By D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

i also HEART cats

I LOVE cats and this big white tiger was a BIG poser for me at the Texas Ranch Zoo in Lanzarote!

Colourful Landscape

During a tour through the mountains and volcanoes of the south side of Lanzorote, many beautiful sights were captured on my good old samsung camera! Breath taking sights and lovely memories xx

Camels in the desert sky

Lanzarote 2010

Lanzarote aka "The Red Mountains" is where i spent a few weeks in the summer of 2010. Exploring, camel riding and cocktails everyday.... pretty pictures too :)

Thursday 24 June 2010

i HEART ducks

Another lovely photograph from my Final Major Project. This was for the forests books and was taken at Danbury Park of a lovely little duck, who very kindly posed for me. (No ducks were hurt in the making of this photograph!)