Thursday 24 June 2010

i HEART ducks

Another lovely photograph from my Final Major Project. This was for the forests books and was taken at Danbury Park of a lovely little duck, who very kindly posed for me. (No ducks were hurt in the making of this photograph!)

My Final Major Project at Uni

For the last ever module at uni *weeps* we were able to write our own briefs. I decided to focus mine totally around Essex. My target was to aim the work at families and promote days out in Essex. I focused on the themes of beaches, forests, leisure, picnics and walks. So after lots and lots of research and idea development, I came up with the solution of designing '5 Little Books of Essex.'

Beach Huts

This photograph has become my favourite image that I took from my Final Major Project. I took it for the beaches book and it is of the beach huts at Brightlingsea. I really love this reflection that was captured and the contrast of the deep clouds and yet the bright blue sky. This image is available to purchase. Leave me a message if your interested and want more details.  

Family Tree

So this project was all about illustrating the use of a family tree and connections without the use of names or people. I chose the subject of tea, as like a lot of British people, I LOVE tea! This was created in Photoshop with mixed media.

Tower at Brightlingsea

A lovely image from my Final Major Project. Location: Brightlingsea. 


Also as part of my Final Major Project, i made little gift bags for the books to come in and easily carried around with. I wanted to stay with the theme of being handmade and natural, so I stitched onto the front and backs of them. To illustrate them i used the logos of the books on one side and then the key to the book on the other side. I also made tags for them too (which aren't in this photo unfortunately). I think they are lovely and cute and would certainly appeal to families of all types! 

Colchester Exhibition

So to end the degree I had to put on an exhibition at my Uni, for all to come and my wonderful Final Major Project.